Black Friday 2024 — What to Expect
For all of you wishing to pick up something special and shiny (and at a big discount!) at Tiffany & Co. this Black Friday then we’re sorry to be the ones to let you know that Tiffany will not have any discounts this year over Thanksgiving weekend. No sales, rebates, clearances or anything else.
In fact, Tiffany never ever runs any sales at all at any time of the year. As quoted by Mark Aaron, vice president of investor relations at Tiffany, “Tiffany does not conduct price promotional sales on Black Friday or any other day.” That includes Cyber Monday, After Christmas, Labor Day, Mother’s Day, and every other major holiday. But just as others have commented before, because they never have any discounts, it makes giving and receiving a gift from them, in their famous blue box, all that more special.
What may make your purchase a little easier to swallow is knowing that Tiffany offers several different financing options to those who qualify. They also have a 30 day return policy if you happen to buy the “wrong” gift (I’ve done that before!) and an upgrade policy where you’ll have up to 5 years to exchange your purchase for another item of your choice.
In terms of the upgrade policy, which is something I wasn’t aware of, it works like this — lets say you can only afford an engagement ring up to $5000. You can get it now but in a few years, when you save up some extra money, you can replace it with something bigger, better, shinier, etc.. Of course there are some restrictions and rules to the policy, including that any new item will need to be priced at two times the appraised value of the item you return, but it’s still an option worth considering if you are on a tighter budget. You can get familiar with the policy at any Tiffany & Co. retail store.
With that being said, it doesn’t mean you can’t find a great deal elsewhere on jewelry and watches this Thanksgiving weekend. Be sure to take a look Zales, Jared, and Kay as they are all running specials on Black Friday. You can also signup to our newsletter and we’ll keep you updated with this year’s best Black Friday offers from all the other stores and brands as well. Good luck and happy bargain hunting this holiday season!

Will you still be getting something at Tiffany’s this Black Friday/Thanksgiving weekend? What are you planning on getting? Let us know in the comments section.